The archive contains posts about Supplemented Equal Temperament.
Supplemented Equal Temperament
Do you want your synth or guitar chords to sound in tune? Supplemented Equal Temperament (SET) is an enhanced version of equal temperament with better sounding chords. The chords sound better, because SET is tuned better.
It is a temperament that I created that blends equal temperament andjust intonation. It avoids most of the pitfalls of microtonality.
First, it can be played, to one degree or another, on any western instrument.
Second, it does not need special notation.
Third, it does not need special ear training.
In fact, SET can provide a goodsound modelfor chordal ear training. Moreover, the sharps and flats label the notes in the normal way, though there are no enharmonic notes. Also, the music can modulate around the circle of fifths.
Music in SET yields triads that sound fantastic. This is because Supplemented Equal Tempered intonation is optimized for triads. Baroque, classical, folk, country,bluegrass, world music, blues, rock, and pop all work well in SET. I also have a seventh chord version that is designed for blues and funk. However, it is not optimized for jazz or 21st century classical.
Equal tempered instruments can always play at least some notes that work with SET tuned guitars and keyboards. Any fretted, stringed instrument can be tuned to SET. Flexible pitch instruments, of course, just tune up by ear as they always do. Indefinite pitch percussion need no special tuning at all. Taken together, this instrument selection creates the SET ensemble.
There’s great promise in Supplemented Equal Temperament. Try it out and see for yourself!
Do you need simple instructions for adjusting your synth to play Pythagorean tuning? The Pythagorean scale is based on the Pythagorean tuning ratios that are credited to (you guessed it) Pythagoras (same guy that invented the hypotenuse formula). However, it has since become popular with microtonal composers. Keep reading “Simple Instructions for Pythagorean Tuning” to learn the deep, dark secret of this scale. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.
Do you want to know how to tune your microtonal keyboard so that your chords sound incredibly cool? The term microtonal covers a lot of different types of tuning systems. Some which will sound like a cappella music, and others which will sound exotic and otherworldly. Keep reading “How to Tune Your Incredibly Cool Microtonal Keyboard” to learn how to have beautiful sounding harmonies. Estimated reading time 5 minutes.
Frustrated with your out of tune synth chords? Do you want your brass, woodwind, and string programs to sound better? It’s not only the program you select which controls how your synth sounds, the tuning has an impact as well. I created Supplemented Equal Temperament (SET) to produce chords that sound better in tune than equal temperament (the piano’s tuning). Read more to learn how SET minor keys work.
Estimated reading time 5 minutes.
Have you tried retuning your synth, but gotten frustrated by the limited number of keys? Do you want your keyboard’s chords to sound stronger when playing brass, string, and organ sounds? Supplemented Equal Temperament (SET) is a new and powerful tuning system that allows your chords to sound stronger and more in tune. Kurzweil’s PC3K synth also makes it a breeze to switch keys while using SET. Read more to learn how to change keys in Supplemented Equal Temperament. Estimated reading time 7 minutes.
Does singing in tune seem like a mystery with no clues? Knowledge is power. Read more to find out how a harmony’s length impacts singing in tune. Estimated reading time 7 minutes.
Are you tired of your band sounding out of tune? Can’t get the classic rock sound when jamming with your group? Read more to learn how to jam like a rock star with open E tuning. You will also learn the song “Gimme Shelter.” Estimated reading time 4 minutes.
Tired of having your guitar or synth sound out of tune? “Intonation and Supplemented Equal Temperament” shows how to make them sound amazing! Estimated reading time 12 minutes.
Do you want your band to sound better? Have you ever been frustrated that your guitar or keyboard sounds out of tune when you play chords? Learn how to get a killer sound for your band by retuning your keyboards and guitars using Supplemented Equal Temperament. Supplemented Equal Temperament works with equal tempered instruments. It also works with variable pitch instruments such as voices, violins, and winds. Estimated reading time 5 minutes.
Does your choir have pitch issues? Retune your synth to make examples of good sounding chords. After years of hearing pianos tuned to equal temperament, many singers cannot sing harmony accurately. The piano is a bad model for how well-tuned chords should sound. Read more to learn how to sing in tune with synth settings! Estimated reading time 4 minutes.
Are you frustrated that your synth chords sound out of tune? Supplemented Equal Temperament is designed to play chords that sound more in tune than the regular piano tuning: equal temperament. Learn how to better tune your chords in Supplemented Equal Temperament tuning. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.