Success Music Studio



Teaching Music Teachers




Where Did the Word for Music Come From?

The Western term for music comes from the Greeks. The ancient Greeks thought that the arts were inspired by a collection of nine gods called the Muses.


This is understandable, because when a songwriter creates a song, it can feel as if it has come from an outside source. However, it has really come from the intuitive part of the songwriter’s brain.


The idea in mythology was that the Muses channeled creative ideas to singers and instrumental performers, and they in turn created their art.


On the other hand, some cultures lack an equivalent word for music. For instance, in some parts of the world the word for singing remains the same as the word for praying.


Music in the Non-Western World

For most of the world’s history, songs have been about more than just entertainment. It helped pull people together and bind them as a community. It would be hard to imagine a church service, sporting event, or school rally without songs.


Songs have often had important roles in life cycle events: births, deaths, seasonal songs, coming of age, work songs, and holidays.


Music in the Western World

Composers and songwriters sculpt sound into compositions. In Western culture, we usually view it as entertainment. This mostly likely results from the structure of free market societies, which always looks for ways to monetize products and services.


The Music Archive includes posts on different ways of learning to sing, play instruments, and compose. However, the list below focuses on songwriting posts.


Songwriting Posts on Melody and Harmony Composition:


See the posts below for full descriptions.


– Geoffrey Keith


© 2022 Geoffrey Keith


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Exploring the Music Themes and Leitmotifs of Star Wars - Legos

Exploring the Music Themes and Leitmotifs of Star Wars

Do you love the “Star Wars” soundtrack and want to understand it better? Are you a budding composer and want to understand leitmotifs and how to write them? It doesn’t matter if you’re a composer or just a fan, exploring the music themes and leitmotifs of “Star Wars” will be a rewarding experience. Read more to understand themes and leitmotifs, and to get indexed lists of each theme and where it occurs within the film. Estimated reading time 5 minutes.

Song Structure, Musical Phrases, Musical Structures and Forms - Music Ipod

Song Structure, Musical Phrases, Musical Structures and Forms

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How Can I Learn the Basics of Music Theory - Books on Music

How Can I Learn the Basics of Music Theory?

Do you want to understand how music works? Studying music theory is a worthwhile experience that’ll deepen your understanding of music and enhance your creativity. Where should you begin? In this post, you’ll learn what the basics of music theory are and be given the resources to learn them. Keep reading “How Can I Learn the Basics of Music Theory” to start your musical journey today. Estimated reading time 4 minutes.

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What is Required of Me to Write a Good Song if I Have No Experience with Songwriting?

Do you want to write songs, but don’t know where to start? To write a song, you need both imagination and the skill to put your imagination to work. If you see pictures in the clouds and have words and melodies pop into your head, songwriting will be well suited to your abilities. Click to answer the question, “What is required of me to write a good song if I have no experience with songwriting?” Estimated reading time 3 minutes.