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How to Write a Song with a Catchy Chorus (Including Lyrics) - Singer-Songwriter with Guitar

How to Write a Song with a Catchy Chorus (Including Lyrics)


Estimated reading time 3 minutes

Table of Contents

How to Write a Song with a Catchy Chorus #1: One of the Most Popular Song Forms

Do you want to learn how to make your own songs? Do you need help with your lyrics? There are many different song forms, and not all of them use a chorus. However, the verse/chorus form is one of the most popular. Songwriters and lyric writers both will find this post helpful. Keep reading to learn how to write a song with a catchy chorus.

This article uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

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How to Write a Song with a Catchy Chorus #2: Writing Tips

Before you try to write a song with a catchy chorus, you’ll need to know what the subject of your lyrics will be.

  • In other words, your chorus should sum up your lyrics.
  • Conversely, your verses will move the story forward.
  • Therefore, writing your chorus before your verses will help keep you focused on your lyrics’ main theme.

It goes without saying that you’ll need a catchy melody.

  • Before you start writing a song, you should record a chord progression and then sing over it.
  • Do this as often as you can so that way you’ll have a backlog of melodies.
  • Just as a photographer takes dozens of bad shots to get one good one, so songwriters need to write dozens of mediocre melodies to find one catchy one.

Make sure your lyrics don’t wander off topic.

  • Try to write memorable lyrics that describe your story using action words.
  • Keep the language simple so that it doesn’t obscure your message.
  • The title needs to be in the first or last line of the chorus.

Make sure you contrast your chorus and verse melodies.

  • The verse melody will often have a speech-like quality, like someone is talking through music.
  • Conversely, the chorus melody should lift above the verse melody and should have a soaring quality.
  • Also, you should try to ramp up the intensity going into the chorus to generate energy and excitement.

Lyric writers, as you write a song, try to incorporate striking images into your lyrics.

Also, get feedback from people you trust and be willing to rewrite.

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How to Write a Song with a Catchy Chorus #4: Final Thoughts

Here’s a summary of How to Write a Song with a Catchy Chorus:

  1. Know what your subject is before you create a song.
  2. Write lots of hooky melodies so that you can pick the best of the best to develop.
  3. Don’t let your lyrics get off topic.
  4. Place your title in the first or last line of the chorus so that people can identify the name of your song.
  5. Write the music so that it builds intensity going into the chorus.
  6. Create pictures with your words to make it easier for your audience to imagine what’s happening in your lyrics.
  7. When you write a song be sure to rewrite so you can perfect your lyrics and music.

To write a catchy chorus a songwriter must have a good grasp of how melodies and lyrics work. You need to understand how they complement each other because ultimately you’ll want your listeners to have an emotional response when they listen to your music.

Have fun writing!

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