Success Music Studio



Autism - a boy playing the piano



What is Autism?

When people say autism, the movie Rain Man springs to mind for many people. The movie paints the picture of a man who has limited ability to communicate and socialize, with little awareness of his surroundings. However, he possesses a gift for math.


I’ve taught students who acted like Rain Man. However, not all people with autism are gifted, and many people socialize well enough that it’s not instantly obvious that they are autistic.


The Autistic Spectrum

Autism is often described as a spectrum (ASD) because there is such a great range of behaviors and abilities for people with autism.


I have a friend with ASD, and he likes to say that autism is a learning disability. However, it’s not an academic learning disability, it’s a social one. Academic learning disabilities (LD) can also manifest alongside ASD.


Nevertheless, people with ASD will generally have a difficulty with picking up on facial and vocal social cues. This makes socializing difficult. They will also have difficulty with change and will also be passionate about their interests. Sometimes they will become so involved with the things they’re passionate about that it makes socializing with others problematic.


Autism and Music

Because autism lies on a spectrum, autistic musicians can interact with music in many ways. Some people with ASD will be talented musicians who have an excellent ability to sight read. These students will generally respond well to traditional teaching methods. However, because of the social issues, music teachers will still need to be sensitive to the student’s needs.


Other music students on the spectrum will also have LD. For these students, adapted music lessons, with an emphasis on color coding, will be effective.


Students who trend toward the classic end of the spectrum will often benefit from music therapy more than adapted music lessons. However, some classic autistic students do fine with adapted music lessons.


Autism and Garage Band

I recently attended an online conference at Berklee College of Music called the ABLE Assembly. In this specific session, the presenters talked about how iPads can provide an access point for special needs students. Mainly, they focused on students with extreme coordination issues.


They showed how to use the accessibility controls in Garage Band to tailor the iPad to each student’s strengths. The results were really good and provided a way for students, who would not do well in traditional music lessons, to interact with the music.


– Geoffrey Keith


See the posts below for full descriptions.


© 2022 Geoffrey Keith


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color coding fingers for music - piano boy

Color Coding the Fingers for Music Learning Empowers Special Needs & LD Student’s Fingering Accuracy

Does your student use the wrong fingers? Color coding the fingers for music learning enables LD students to accurately finger the music for smoother playing and faster response time. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

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Color Coding Music for Success - Staff and Notes on a Yellow Background

Color Coding Music for Success

Want to read music? Does your child or music student have a hard time reading notes? Color coding music notation can help. I had a student with amnesia who would forget everything she had learned from the previous lesson. However, she was able to learn beginner level piano music with hands together. Find out how color coding helps students like her. Estimated reading time 11 minutes.

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How to Color Code Guitar Tab to Empower LD Achievement - Guitar Tab and Coffee Cup

How to Color Code Guitar Tab to Empower LD Achievement

Tablature creates a picture of the guitar neck. However, many LD students become confused by tab despite its visual appearance.
In other words, they become dazzled by the shimmer created by the contrast of the black and white lines of the notation. Color-coding the strings helps reduce the confusion that students experience, assisting them in effectively reading the score. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

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Color Coding Musical Accents - writing well crafted songs - Picture of Sheet Music on a Piano - Do My Hands' Sizes Affect Learning Performance on the Piano - Teaching Music Teachers - Vintage Sheet Music - What Purpose Do Accidentals Serve in Reading Sheet Music - What Does it Mean for Me to Interpret a Piece of Music - Is Playing the Piano a Suitable Activity for Autistic People - How Long Do You Take to Memorize a Piece of Piano Music

Color Coding Musical Accents Using the Shape Note Advantage for Accurate Special Needs and LD Performance

We approach accents differently than other types of articulations. It is not just about using color to make the accents pop off the page. Using shapes creates a guide for when to play louder. Consequently, for accents we take our example from shape notes. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

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How to Color the Music Score to Successfully Focus Special Needs and LD Students on Features of the Sheet Music - Colorful Highlighter Pens

How to Color the Music Score to Successfully Focus Special Needs and LD Students on Features of the Sheet Music

Color does not need to be limited to color-coding. Bring staccato, legato, pedal, dynamics, and accents to the foreground by using a highlighter and red pen. Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

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How to Color Code Music to Get LD Students to Perform Accurate Alternate Picking - Man Plucking the Guitar

How to Color Code Music to Get LD Students to Perform Accurate Alternate Picking

Even among typical learners, students find alternate picking and strumming challenging. It is one of the few color-coding strategies I use with every student. Using color-coded arrows as a guide to alternate picking effectively shows students how to accurately execute the picking patterns. Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

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