Success Music Studio



What is LD & ADD?



Do you want to know how to teach LD students music? The archive contains posts about teaching LD students music.

Learning Differences vs Learning Disabilities

Some people say that the acronym LD means Learning Disabilities, while others say that it means Learning Differences.


Both terms have some relevancy. Students with LD usually have average or above average intelligence. However, they have areas where they struggle to learn. Thus, why some call LD learning disabilities, because of the difficulty with learning.


Nevertheless, a case has been made that students with LD learn in an essentially different way. Thus, why some call LD learning differences. This is the view taken in The Successful Music Student blogs.


A Learning Difference that Can Turn into a Learning Disability

Having a strong visual-spatial aptitude is linked to both learning disabilities and to talent in music, art, and math.


Look at the bug on the cube below. Which surface does the bug rest on? Front or back?


LD - Bug on Cube


Did you see the cube flip back and forth? This illusion is called an unstable object. The mind needs more information to resolve the picture. As a result, your brain keeps switching how it sees the cube.


People with LD perceive something similar to this illusion as they see letters, numbers, and musical symbols move around on the page.


Since many people with LD have strong visual-spatial abilities, they are more prone to these types of optical illusions. Therefore, a learning difference can turn into a learning disability.


Intuitive, creative, original thinkers, visual-spatial learners have often had an impact on science, the arts, and sports.


However, when it comes to interpreting abstract symbols, strong spatial abilities can cause problems. The good news? Multisensory teaching can help the LD student learn effectively.


© 2021 Geoffrey Keith


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Musical Talent and Giftedness - Kid Playing a Ukulele

Musical Talent and Giftedness

Music teachers: do you have students who show musical talent and giftedness? Do you need some information on how they learn? With musically gifted and talented students, just like any other students, you need to meet them where they’re at, making the adjustments in their playing based on what you see. That way, they can become better students than before they came to you. Keep reading to learn more about musical talent and giftedness. Estimated reading time 4 minutes.

What Are Some Signs of a Twice Exceptional (2E) Child - Child at the Piano - Musical Talent and Giftedness

What Are Some Signs of a Twice Exceptional (2E) Child?

“What are some signs of a twice exceptional (2E) child?” Children with both giftedness and learning disabilities are called twice exceptional. In other words, twice exceptional children will pick up some things really quickly – much more quickly than typical learners. However, with other things they will lag way behind their typical learner peers – sometime by a significant amount. Read more to learn the signs of a twice exceptional child. Estimated reading time 4 minutes.

What Are the Advantages of Dyslexia - Episodic Memory (Woman Remembering)

What are the advantages of dyslexia? Episodic Memory

Do you want to know what the advantages of dyslexia are? How can people with dyslexia seem to have terrible memories sometimes, but not others? “He could remember events perfectly, even those that happened when he was an infant” (The Gift of Dyslexia 96). Episodic memory has a central role in the thinking process of many dyslexics which helps explain this puzzling fact. Also, it’s one of the four benefits to dyslexia. Keep reading to learn what the advantages of dyslexia are and how episodic memory plays a part in that. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

Once Sheet Music is All Digital, Why Not Always Colour-Code Notes - Computer Power Symbol

Once Sheet Music is All Digital, Why Not Always Colour-Code Notes?

“Once sheet music is all digital, why not always colour-code notes?” Since most sheet music can now come in digital format, will there be any good reason not to color code the notes all the time? I’ve long advocated using color coding for helping special needs students to learn music from sheet music. However, the opening suggestion (by a person on social media) goes one step further. It proposes making a permanent change to how people read sheet music. Click to find out the arguments for and against adopting universal color coded music notation. Estimated reading time 2 minutes.