Success Music Studio


Geoff (pronounce Jeff) Keith has taught instrumental music lessons for over 30 years, and special needs students for over 20 years, accruing over 6,000 hours working with special needs and LD students. In the 1990’s, he developed FBC Sudbury’s Kid’s Music Club program (children’s choir). His articles on teaching music to students with learning disabilities have appeared in the Dyslexic Reader. The information in the blog is similar to the information he presented at Berklee College of Music’s ABLE Assembly, which is a special needs arts conference for teachers. Also, he has been included in Marquis Who’s Who biographies.

What Do People Mean by the Term Interpretation in Classical Music - Don Quixote - Stage Fear, How to Deal with Performance Anxiety

What Do People Mean by the Term Interpretation in Classical Music? Part 2

Do you want to move your audience to tears as you perform? Do you need suggestions for how to interpret your songs? Interpretation is when you put your personal stamp on a song. Today’s interpretation tip can help you craft powerful performances. Click to answer the question, “What do people mean by the term interpretation in classical music?” Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

What Do People Mean by the Term Interpretation in Classical Music? Part 2 Read More »

Can Someone Explain Roman Numeral Analysis in Layman's Terms for Me - Lego Roman - Tonic vs. Root in Music Theory - What’s the Deal with These i-VII-VI-V and iv-V-VII Chords and Stuff

Can Someone Explain Roman Numeral Analysis in Layman’s Terms for Me? (Part 1)

“Can someone explain Roman Numeral Analysis in layman’s terms for me?” The Roman numerals you see in music might seem arcane. However, once you get a handle on them, they can really help your understanding of music. Click to have the secrets of music theory explained in simple terms. Estimated reading time 4 minutes.

Can Someone Explain Roman Numeral Analysis in Layman’s Terms for Me? (Part 1) Read More »

Can I Become a Music Teacher if I Have Special Needs - Cello

Can I Become a Music Teacher if I Have Special Needs?

“Can I become a music teacher if I have special needs?” Having special needs doesn’t automatically bar you from teaching. In fact, if you want to teach special needs students, you have an edge as a teacher. Click to find out how you can become a special needs music teacher. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

Can I Become a Music Teacher if I Have Special Needs? Read More »

How Do I Switch from Singing Shaped Notes to Standard Notation - Boys Choir - How Do I Switch from Minor Key Shaped Notes to Standard Notation - Singing Shape Notes Solfege Ionian Melodies - What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean - What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean

How Do I Switch from Singing Shaped Notes to Standard Notation – Part 1

“How do I switch from singing shaped notes to standard notation?” Because they’re easy to read, shape notes will always be a good choice for struggling readers, and it makes a great introduction to solfege too. However, the limited shape note repertoire means that shape note singers may want to learn to read standard notation as well. Click to learn how to transition from shaped notes to standard notation. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

How Do I Switch from Singing Shaped Notes to Standard Notation – Part 1 Read More »

Whats a Good Alternative to a Metronome for Practice Sessions - Metronome - I’m Having a Hard Time Keeping a Steady Beat - Singing Rhythm - BPM (Using the Metronome to Get the Music Beat) - - How to Learn Music Theory with a Learning Disability

What’s a Good Alternative to a Metronome for Practice Sessions?

Teachers, do you have students who can’t use a metronome and can’t keep a steady beat? We all know how valuable metronome practice can be. However, it can be tricky for students to sync with a metronome, and many students flat out refuse to work with them. Click to answer the question, “What’s a good alternative to a metronome for practice sessions?” Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

What’s a Good Alternative to a Metronome for Practice Sessions? Read More »

Do People with ADHD Have Difficulty Playing from Sheet Music - Girl with Violin - Prodigy Meaning: Examples of Special Talent in Music [Video] - 50 Essential Music Symbols Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes

Do People with ADHD Have Difficulty Playing from Sheet Music?

Are you a parent or a music teacher of an ADHD student who struggles with reading music? Though many people with ADHD have a hard time reading music, multisensory teaching methods can help! Click to answer the question, “Do people with ADHD have difficulty playing from sheet music?” Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

Do People with ADHD Have Difficulty Playing from Sheet Music? Read More »

Why is it Important to Define the Dynamics to Sing a Piece of Music - sheet music, cake, and coffee

Why is it Important to Define the Dynamics to Sing a Piece of Music?

Why is it important to sing the dynamics for a piece of music? Dynamics play an important role in notated music, helping bring interest and variety to your songs. If you want help understanding how dynamic signs work, click to answer the question: “Why is it important to define the dynamics to sing a piece of music?” Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

Why is it Important to Define the Dynamics to Sing a Piece of Music? Read More »

What Does it Mean for Me to Interpret a Piece of Music - Part 1 – Solo Violinist - Why is Classical Music Interpreted Differently from Pop Music? Part 3 -Does ADD and ADHD Make People More Creative

What Does it Mean for Me to Interpret a Piece of Music? Part 1

Does your playing lack emotion? Do you want tips on how to interpret music? Many musicians struggle with interpretation. However, I can show you powerful strategies for tapping into the emotion in your playing. Click to answer the question, “What does it mean for me to interpret a piece of music?” Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

What Does it Mean for Me to Interpret a Piece of Music? Part 1 Read More »