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What Is an Adverb - Learn About Amazing, Adaptable Adverbs - Man Writing

What Is an Adverb? Learn About Amazing, Adaptable Adverbs


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

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Do you want to know how adverbs work? They are amazingly versatile words that can impact many parts of speech within a sentence. It’s critical that writers, songwriters, and poets know how to use them. Keep reading What Is an Adverb? to learn what they are and how they work.

This article uses literary terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

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What Is an Adverb: Multipurpose Words

“What is an adverb?” They are multipurpose words that can modify adjectives, verbs, other adverbs, phrases, and clauses.

They give extra information about:

  • Cause: Why things happen.
  • Degree: How much or how often they happen.
  • Manner: How things happen.
  • Place: Where things happen.
  • Time: When things happen.

Thus, they answer questions such as:

  • Why: Why do I run in the mornings? Because it’s cooler then. (Then helps answer the question.)
  • How often: My son frequently swims. (Frequently adds information on how often the boy swims.)
  • How: I slipped because the floor was very wet. (Very shows how wet the floor is.)
  • Where: Grandma only drives locally. (Locally adds information on where Grandma drives.)
  • When: The kids go back to school soon. (Soon gives information on when the kids go back.)
Starter Templates Image - notebook, typing, coffee - What Is an Adverb - Learn About Amazing, Adaptable Adverbs

What Is an Adverb: How Do They Work?

Mostly, you form adverbs by using an -ly suffix:

  • Slow/slowly
  • Sure/surely
  • Deep/deeply

However, adjectives that end in -y will drop the -y and add -ily:

  • Happy/happily
  • Easy/easily
  • Lazy/lazily

Many adverbs don’t end with an -ly at all:

  • Always
  • Fast
  • Hard
  • Here
  • Never
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Well

Special cases:

  • Relative: When, where, and why are used in subordinate clauses. “I remember when telephones were attached to the wall with a wire.”
  • Interrogative: Why, where, when, and how begin questions. “When can I go?”
  • Adverbs can also be used to modify whole sentences: “Unfortunately, I can’t go to the movie tonight.”

The following video will show you how they work.

Video: Lolly, Lolly, Lolly

Final Thoughts on “What Is an Adverb?”

Takeaway points:

  1. They are multipurpose words that can modify adjectives, verbs, other adverbs, phrases, and clauses.
  2. They give extra information about cause, degree, manner, place, and time.
  3. Mostly, you form them by using an -ly suffix.

Have fun writing!

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