Success Music Studio

The Successful Music Student Blog is Expanding


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

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The Successful Music Student Blog is Expanding to an Extra Post Day

I’m pleased to announce that The Successful Music Student Blog is expanding by adding an extra post day. In addition to posting on Mondays at 7:00 am, the blog will now also post on Thursdays at 7:00 am starting today (12/15/22).

But wait! There’s more!

The Successful Music Student Blog is Expanding - Calendar

The Successful Music Student Blog is Expanding with A New Blog Category

The Successful Music Student Blog is expanding by adding a new blog category:

For this category, I’ve scoured social media to find the music questions that people have been asking the most.

Sometimes the post will be a student practice tip. Other times, it will be a music instructor strategy. Or it might be a music theory topic.

A post might apply to typical learners or be geared toward special needs students. However, most posts will usually be helpful for everyone.

In any case, these are the topics that you, the people, have been asking about. Click here to read the first post in the new category:

But wait! We’re still not done!

All-Purpose Music Tips and Topics - Tips and Tricks - D’you Want Some Music Tips and Tricks I've Learned Over the Years

The Successful Music Student Newsletter is Now Here!

The Successful Music Student monthly email newsletter collects all the blog posts from the past month in one place and emails it to you. (See the signup form below.)

Subjects covered:

  • Music Tips and Topics
  • Color Coding Special Needs Music
  • Singing in Tune
  • Shape Note Sight Singing
  • Alternate Tuning
  • Songwriting

The Successful Music Student Blog is Expanding through Website Upgrades

The Successful Music Student Blog is expanding by upgrading the website. The site now loads faster. Also, I’ve been enlarging the type and moving many of the post links into glossary sections at the end of each post. This will make the posts much easier to read. To see the new look, click on the link:

It’s a big project, but I hope to have the whole site converted over in around six months or so. Until then, please pardon the uneven presentation.

Update 5/20/23: All of the pages now have the new look, and over three quarters of the pages have Glossary sections. Moving the links is work intensive, but I’ve been making steady progress.

I’m excited about the coming changes. I hope you will be too.

Geoffrey Keith

Success Music Studio

How Do Guitar Harmonics Work - Intonation and Supplemented Equal Temperament - Guitarist - Tips for How to Stay Calm and Cool Before a Concert - How Many of You Want to Know How to Tune with Guitar Harmonics

How Do Guitar Harmonics Work?

So, you play an open string, and it gives you one note. You play the harmonic over the 12th fret, and you get another note. You do the same thing over the 5th and 7th frets, and you get still more notes. However, they don’t relate to the frets at all. You scratch your head, wondering, “How do guitar harmonics work?” Don’t worry, you just need to understand how strings vibrate. Read more to answer the question, how do guitar harmonics work? Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

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shape note sight singing - Is There a Better Way to Learn Sight Singing - chorus - Is Singing Solfege Helpful for Learning to Hear Intervals by Ear - Singing Shape Notes Solfege Lydian Melodies

Shape Note Sight Singing Success

Have you always wanted to sight sing music, but found it too hard? Shape notes can help. Also, last post centered on singing melodies with a specially tuned synth-organ sound. Namely, we focused on harmonic tuning. This week we will look at the same melodies, but from the angle of melodic tuning. Most of the examples have sing-along sound tracks, but the last example is a shape note sight singing quiz. Read more to experience shape note sight singing success. Estimated reading time 6 minutes.

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Measuring a Song’s Success - Recording Sign - I'm Confused About These Stupid Vocal Ranges - How to Employ Effective Equalization on Your Song

Measuring a Song’s Success

Why does one person say a song is great and another says it stinks? In the “Art vs Commerce” post, we looked at two versions of the song “32 Flavors” and how the Boston Songwriters Workshop members reacted to it. Then, we looked at how and when the art vs commerce question arose. Finally, we asked, "How do you measure a song’s success?" Read more to learn the answer. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

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