Success Music Studio



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The archive contains posts about teaching ADD students music.




A Deficit of Attention?

Do you want to know a secret about ADD? It is not a deficit of attention. In fact, students with ADD have excessive amounts of attention.


Sensitive to their surroundings, the person with ADD has problems with random stimuli. Namely, a ticking clock can become really distracting when a student with ADD tries to study.


If a noise suddenly happens in the room, it can become very hard for the person with ADD to ignore it. Because they have too much attention, everything grabs their focus.


This makes it hard for ADD students to keep to a task. It gets even harder when there are new and fun things to distract them.


Filtering Sensory Data

Sorting out sensory data remains an issue. However, what appears to be a self-control issue in school, can become an asset in the real world. Let me give you an example:


apple, diet, female


What color is the apple?


If you said red, look again. Does it just look red?


When you look closely, you can easily see many colors across the skin of the apple. Dark cloudy patches, white and yellow spots, and a brown stem all appear on the surface of the apple. If you said the apple looks red, then you unconsciously filtered out the other colors to quickly label it by its main hue.


This type of sorting does not come easily to students with ADD. Nonetheless, the talent to look beyond the simple label to see all of the colors that appear on the fruit remains a critical skill if you wish to correctly paint a picture of the apple.


Therefore, the student with ADD can easily connect together outwardly unconnected information, because they do not quickly filter out seemingly unrelated data. This tendency helps fuel their creativity.



Curious George always gets in trouble because of his curiosity. However, it turns out he would have made a good scientist (or he would if he was human).


Similarly, students with ADD often get in trouble for being distractible. However, they are also creative and interested in diverse topics of learning. They have a sense of curiosity about them, an important trait for scientists.


“One of the most important qualities of a good scientist is curiosity. Curiosity makes a scientist ask why things happen. It makes him or her eager to learn more or test an idea” (Spectrum Science Grade 3 8).


ADD students are observant. True, ADD students have a hard time with filtering. However, the flip side is that they may just discover something that no one else noticed before. Kinda like Einstein did with the speed of light.


Creating and interpreting music needs this type of curiosity and creativity as well.


© 2021 Geoffrey Keith


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Sight Singing Chromatic Shape Notes

Do you have basic sight singing down, but want more than seven notes? “Sight Singing Chromatic Shape Notes” shows you how to sing sharps. In the last shape note post, we sang the first half of the chorus from “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” In this post, we will sing the second half of the chorus. However, we will need to learn how to sing sharp notes to do this. Read more to learn about sight singing chromatic shape notes. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

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Sight Singing with Rhythmic Syllables - girl singing

Sight Singing with Rhythmic Syllables

Do you wish you could read rhythm better? “Sight Singing with Rhythmic Syllables” looks at rhythm. Also, we have sung so far in the keys of C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, and G major. In today’s singing lesson you will learn the keys of Ab, A, Bb, and B. Once again, the more keys you know, the better your reading will become. Estimated reading time 4 minutes.

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sight singing with solfege - vocal trio - Singing Shape Note Solfege Mixolydian Melodies - Angels We Have Heard on High: A Powerful Carol of Joy [Words] - Celebrate Christmas with O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Sight Singing with Solfege

Do you want to learn how to sight sing music? Today’s post continues to look at sight singing with solfege using shape notes. The more keys you practice in, the better your sight singing with solfege will become. We also discuss singing with power. Read more to learn how to sight sing with solfege. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

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shape note sight singing - Is There a Better Way to Learn Sight Singing - chorus - Is Singing Solfege Helpful for Learning to Hear Intervals by Ear - Singing Shape Notes Solfege Lydian Melodies

Shape Note Sight Singing Success

Have you always wanted to sight sing music, but found it too hard? Shape notes can help. Also, last post centered on singing melodies with a specially tuned synth-organ sound. Namely, we focused on harmonic tuning. This week we will look at the same melodies, but from the angle of melodic tuning. Most of the examples have sing-along sound tracks, but the last example is a shape note sight singing quiz. Read more to experience shape note sight singing success. Estimated reading time 6 minutes.

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color coded hand icons for music - girl pianist - ADD - Do You Want Advice on Teaching a Music Student with ADHD

Color Coded Hand Icons for Music Learning with Special Needs & LD Students

Does your student have a problem telling the right hand from the left? Many LD and special needs students have problems with left hand/right hand confusion. On piano this can be a real issue. Read more to learn how to color code hand icons in music scores. Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

Color Coded Hand Icons for Music Learning with Special Needs & LD Students Read More »