Success Music Studio

Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - Happy New Year

Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents


Are you looking for the popular Old Lang Syne song? In this post, you’ll get the essentials: 1) a video of the song, 2) the lyrics, and 3) sheet music with easy-to-read shape notes and a sing along soundtrack. In addition, if you’re asking, “What in the world does the title Old Land Syne mean?” I’ll answer that question as well. Keep reading Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song to learn more.

This post uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the article.

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Do You Want Old Lang Syne’s Lyrics?

The melody and words come from the 1877 version of the song.

Verse 1:

Should old acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?

Should old acquaintance be forgot,

And days of old lang syne.



For old lang syne (my dear), X2

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,

For old lang syne.


Verse 2:

We two have paidlet i’ the burn

Frae morning sun till dine,

But seas between us braid have roared

Since old lang syne.




Verse 3:

And there’s a hand, my trusty friend,

And gie’s a hand of thine!

And we’ll take a right gude willy-waught,

For old lang syne.



Video: Old Lang Syne

Do You Want Easy-to-Read Old Lang Syne Sheet Music?

Can’t read shape notes, solfege, and rhythmic syllables? These will give you a good summary:

Mobile users: for best results reading the music, rotate your screen 90o to the right.

Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - line 1
Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - line 2
Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - line 3
Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - line 4
Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - line 5
Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - line 6
Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - line 7
Hail the New Year with the Popular Old Lang Syne Song - line 8

Sing Along Soundtrack:

The sing along soundtrack uses synthetic voices rather than actual voices. Research has shown that this will help with the ability to identify and produce absolute pitch information. For more information:

What in the World Does Old Lang Syne Mean?

Are you scratching your head and asking, “So, what does the phrase old lang syne actually mean?

  • The literal meaning of old lang syne is “long time past.”
  • Many of the song’s words come from Scots Gaelic, which is why they are unfamiliar to English speakers.
  • Thus, the song says that even when some things have been forgotten, friends can come together and renew their friendship.

This sentiment is probably why it’s been a popular New Years song.

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Final Thoughts

This article gives you a few ways to interact with the song:

  1. You can karaoke with the video.
  2. You can learn the words to the song.
  3. Or you can try the easy-to-read shape note notation.

And while you’re at it, you can also learn the meaning of Old Lang Syne.

Have fun singing!

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