Success Music Studio

2023 Special Needs Resource Fair

Geoff will Have a Table at the 2023 Special Needs Resource Fair

2023 Special Needs Resource Fair

I will have a table at LexSEPTA’s 2023 Special Needs Resource Fair this Saturday.

When: Saturday, April 8, 2023, 10 am – 1:00 pm

Where: Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Rd, Lexington, MA

I will have my Perception Presentation with me, which shows what it’s like to have a learning disability, such as dyslexia or language-based learning disability.

I’ll also have detailed info to hand out, but quantities are limited, so be sure to get there early.

See you there!

Geoffrey Keith

Success Music Studio

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Singing in Tune with Vowels

Want to have better vocal tone? Want to sing in tune? Singing is all about the vowels. Vowels have a central role in singing, because the vowels impact your tone. Also, they impact how you tune when you harmonize. This happens when sound passes through the formants - the resonant folds in the vocal tract. The formants filter your voice’s harmonic overtones, which influences your harmonic intonation. Read more to learn about singing in tune with vowels. Estimated reading time 6 minutes.

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How to Use an Extremely Accurate Guitar Strobe Tuner

Does your guitar sound out of tune even when the tuner says you’re in tune? Do you have trouble tuning by ear or want to get a better guitar tone? Not all guitar tuners have been created equal. Read more to learn how to use an extremely accurate guitar strobe tuner to make your guitar sound awesome. Estimated reading time 9 minutes.

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Is There Any Method to Help with Writing Descriptions?

“When I write, my descriptions seem lifeless. Is there any method to help with writing descriptions?” When it comes to creating vibrant descriptions in your writing (or songwriting), there's a powerful method that can make a world of difference. You need to avoid static descriptions. You do this by using action words. Keep reading to find out how it works. Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

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