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What're the Key Differences Between Contralto and Alto Voice - Young Woman with Guitar Singing

What’re the Key Differences Between Contralto and Alto Voice?


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

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“What’s the difference between an alto and a true contralto?” While they may seem to be superficially similar, they have their own individual ranges and vocal tone qualities. Keep reading to find out what’re the key differences between contralto and alto voice.

This article uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

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The Key Differences Between Contralto and Alto Voice: What’s an Alto Voice?

In classical music, both terms are used synonymously. For example, The New Harvard Dictionary of Music has this definition:

Alto [It.]. (1) A low female voice, also called contralto… (32)

However, in contemporary usage, they mean different things.

So, let’s look at altos first:

  • In SATB writing they perform the part between the sopranos and the tenors.
  • They have a conservative tessitura of G3 to C5 (see the Find Your Vocal Range in 1 Minute video).
  • In vocal ensembles, they’ll usually sing harmonies that support the overall sound while focusing on vocal blend.

Famous Altos:

  • Bonnie Raitt
  • Gladys Knight
  • Norah Jones

Video: Norah Jones

The Key Differences Between Contralto and Alto Voice: What’s a Contralto Voice?

True contraltos are the women who can sing the low notes:

  • It’s a rare vocal range, with only about five percent of women fitting this voice type.
  • They have a conservative range from F3 to B4 (see the Find Your Vocal Range in 1 Minute video), though many women can sing lower than that.
  • Also, the singing sweet spot is lower for them.

In addition, they can be a good fit for many different styles of music. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians states:

The versatility of such singers can be indicated by naming only three:

    • Ethel Waters: who moved from vaudeville and musical comedy to evangelical touring.
    • Ella Fitzgerald: whose extraordinary voice reached down to d and who competed with jazz instrumentalists in her “scat-singing” improvisations.
    • Marlene Dietrich: whose films roles made special use of her sultry and husky singing. (6:372)

Famous Contraltos:

  • Cher
  • Toni Braxton
  • Marian Anderson

Video: Cher

The Key Differences Between Contralto and Alto Voice: How Do They Differ?

Despite having somewhat similar ranges:

  • Altos can sing in the higher mezzo soprano range or in the traditionally lower range that they use in choir, while true contraltos will have a fuller, darker sound when going for the low notes.
  • Also, contraltos can go low enough that they can be mistaken for tenors.
  • Normally, these singers are found in solo performance settings.

Video: Find Your Vocal Range in 1 Minute

Final Thoughts

Takeaway points:

  1. Altos normally sing harmonies that support the overall sound of a vocal ensemble while focusing on vocal blend.
  2. True contraltos can go low enough that they often get mistaken for tenors, and their voices usually are found in solo performance settings.
  3. It’s a rare vocal range and tone quality, with only about five percent of women fitting this voice type.

Have fun singing!

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