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Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts) - Woman at Piano

Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts)


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents

Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts) #1: One Central Concept

Do you want to understand piano scale fingering concepts better? At their core, all piano scales are based upon a central concept that helps simplify the fingering. Keep reading for piano major scales – basic fingering concepts.

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Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts) #2: How Does the Fingering Work?

Mobile users: for best results reading the examples, tilt your screen 90o to the right.

Playing the Piano with Color Coded Rhythm, Fingering, and Notes - C Position - Playing Piano with Color Coded Left Hand Notes and Rhythm - Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts)

I, like every piano instructor, teach the major scales:

  • However, piano fingering is much more hand position based (see the C position diagram above for an example) than scale based.
  • Which means that I focus on hand positions in lessons rather than the piano major scales.
  • With trumpet, guitar, singing, and every other instrument I’ve studied, you learn a scale and then you actually use it.
  • On piano, you use the full major scales… occasionally.
  • So, if you’re a music teacher, by all means teach the major scales. However, I suggest you don’t worry over it too much.

Think about it. What is a C major scale piano fingering for the right hand (RH) except part of the C position fingering and all of the F position fingering with a finger crossover connecting them?

  • The keyboard diagram below shows how the C major scale looks on piano.
  • The sheet music example below the keyboard diagram shows the piano scale’s fingering as it relates to the hand positions.
  • The sharp key major scales on the piano mostly follow this fingering pattern for the right hand.
  • Regardless, all piano scales are hand position based except for the chromatic scale.
  • Once you know what the hand positions are for each key, it’ll help simplify memorizing them.

The C Major Scale for Piano:

The C Major Scale (Including the C Major Chord Scale) - Keyboard - Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts)
Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts) - C Major Scale

Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts) #3: Final Thoughts

Here’s a Summary of Piano Major Scales (Basic Fingering Concepts):

  1. While the full scales do get used in compositions, it isn’t too often.
  2. Conversely, the five-finger hand positions are the heart and soul of piano technique.
  3. This explains why young students start with the five-finger positions so that playing them will become second nature.

Have fun playing!

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