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What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean - Abba

What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean?


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

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Are you unclear about what harmony is? Do you want to know how it works? Harmony is a major subcategory of music theory that helps musicians to understand how notes should go together. This in turn impacts how they arrange their music. Keep reading What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean? to learn how it works.

This article uses technical musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

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What Does the Term Harmony Mean in Music?

“What exactly is a chord and what does the term harmony mean?” First, let’s define harmony:

  • It’s the study of how musical tones sound when played together at the same time.

It encompasses:

  • Harmonic intervals (two notes)
  • Triads (three notes)
  • Seventh chords (four notes)
  • Extensions such as ninths, elevenths, and thirteenths (five notes or more)
  • Also, it deals with how notes interact together while moving in time.

Even when using just triads, vocal arrangements will typically have four parts:

  • This style is called SATB writing.
  • SATB stands for: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.
  • The sopranos are the high women’s voices, the altos are the low women, the tenors are the high men, and the basses are the low men.

For an example, see the simulated choir below.

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How to Harmonize in Minor Keys - E Minor Chorus - What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean

Simulated Choir Performing in the Key of E Minor:

For an explanation of shape note notation:

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Chords and Harmony Meaning Compared

“What Exactly is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean?” Next, let’s define chords:

  • It has almost the same meaning as the word harmony. That is, notes played at the same time.
  • However, harmonic intervals aren’t usually considered to be chords.
  • Why? Because chords almost always have three or more notes.

As an example, these are the triads in the key of C major:

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When triads are played in a sequence, we call it a chord progression:

  • We can analyze them using Roman numerals.
  • Also, triads can be major, minor, augmented, or diminished.
  • If the notes in a triad are played melodically one at a time, we call it an arpeggio.
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Changing Keys in Your Songwriting - Triads Voice Leading Key of C line 2 - What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean

C Major Triads:

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Final Thoughts on “What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean?”

Here’s a summary of What Exactly Is a Chord and What Does the Term Harmony Mean?

  1. Both terms refer to groups of simultaneously sounding notes.
  2. Understanding triads is useful for writing and arranging songs.
  3. Plus, they can be analyzed using Roman numerals.

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