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What Do People Mean by the Term Interpretation in Classical Music - Don Quixote - Stage Fear, How to Deal with Performance Anxiety

What Do People Mean by the Term Interpretation in Classical Music? Part 2


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents

What Do People Mean by the Term Interpretation in Classical Music?

Do you want to move your audience to tears as you perform? Do you need suggestions for how to interpret your songs? Interpretation is when you put your personal stamp on a song. Today’s interpretation tip can help you craft powerful performances. Read more to answer the question, “What do people mean by the term interpretation in classical music?”

This post uses music terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the article.

singing shape note solfege minor - classical singer -What Do People Mean by the Term Interpretation in Classical Music

Further Defining the Term Interpretation in Classical Music?

“What do people mean by the term interpretation in classical music?” According to the New Harvard Dictionary of Music:

 …interpretation is often thought of as the individual performer’s unique and personal contribution to the [performance] of a work. (399)

So, how do you learn how to interpret music?

  • The first post in the series showed how to get effective performances using mental imagery.
  • Likewise, today’s interpretation post will show you how to use your imagination to become the character.

Barry Green quotes a soprano who describes her strategy for performing:

I decided to [focus] on the character of the old lady. We turned out the lights, and I sat slumped in a chair for a few minutes. Then I began just speaking the text of the song as though I was an old woman.

I found myself close to tears. When the lights came on again, I felt peaceful and assured. I knew I had become the old woman, and my sense of myself as a singer had disappeared… The music flowed through me… (94-95)

Your imagination is powerful. If you want to create a memorable performance, you need to link into your imagination.

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How Do You Interpret a Piece of Music?

“What do people mean by the term interpretation in music?” The Inner Game of Music suggests that you can also imagine yourself as being your favorite musician.

  • You have a host of intuitive information locked in your head about a vast array of playing styles.
  • This exercise will help you access it.

If you play guitar, imagine yourself as Eric Clapton playing a song.

  1. How did your playing style change?
  2. Next, imagine yourself as Kirk Hammett.
  3. Did your playing style change again?

Just as changing the style of cloths you wear can transform how you feel about yourself. So, this exercise can transform how you express yourself on your instrument.

In future interpretation posts I’ll give you tips on:

  • Characterizing a piece of music
  • Articulations
  • Dynamics

Have fun singing and playing!

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