Success Music Studio

Tips for Teaching an Autistic Child the Guitar - Guitar with Picks - Musical Talent and Giftedness

Tips for Teaching an Autistic Child the Guitar


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents

Tips for Teaching an Autistic Child the Guitar #1: Learning Style

Are you a teacher of an autistic guitar student? Each student has a unique learning style. Autistic students are no different, which means you need to be flexible when teaching kids on the autistic spectrum. Read more to get tips for teaching an autistic child the guitar.

This post uses music terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the article.

color coded note head extenders - girl playing guitar -Tips for Teaching an Autistic Child the Guitar

Tips for Teaching an Autistic Child the Guitar #2: The Teaching Strategies Are…

How do you teach an autistic child the guitar? It bears repeating, not all students on the autistic spectrum have the same abilities:

  • Some students will learn and communicate much like a typical learner. However, others will have very little vocabulary and need a multisensory approach.
  • Moreover, students who communicate well may still struggle with learning music. You can even find students who have profound communication issues but will still have a talent for learning music.
  • So, you never really know what you’re going to get until you start working with the student.

You need patience when working with autistic students:

  • Celebrate successes and progress even if they don’t seem like big gains to you.
  • Use positive reinforcement by giving high fives and appropriate praise. However, your praise must be genuine, or the kids will see right through you.
  • Be aware that autistic students may have a tendency toward black and white thinking.

Building a helpful and encouraging lesson environment can boost your student’s self-confidence and desire to learn.

More useful tips:

  • Be understanding and patient with any social awkwardness.
  • Allow some tangents, but don’t let them get out of hand.
  • Also, some kids will need periodic micro-breaks during the lessons to keep them fresh and on task.

For many kids on the spectrum, adapting sheet music using color coding will be a game-changer. For more information:

Whats a Good Alternative to a Metronome for Practice Sessions - Colorful Notes - Tips for Teaching an Autistic Child the Guitar

Tips for Teaching an Autistic Child the Guitar #3: Summary

Here’s some final thoughts on Tips for Teaching an Autistic Child the Guitar. Tailor your teaching to your student’s needs.

  1. Just as typical learners can vary in how they learn, autistic students will also have varying learning needs.
  2. While some autistic students will do just fine learning with traditional teaching methods, others will benefit from a multisensory approach.
  3. Be aware of the social aspects of autism and forgive unintended student gaffes.
  4. Permit some tangent-questions, but don’t let it get out of control.
  5. Be aware that some students will need micro-breaks during the lessons in order to focus when you need them to.
  6. Be sure to give four praise comments to every critical comment.
  7. You need to remain open-minded and flexible by adjusting your teaching style to meet the needs of your student.

Have fun teaching!

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