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The Top 10 Best Captivating Vivaldi Masterpieces - Violin

The Top 10 Best Captivating Vivaldi Masterpieces


Estimated reading time 3 minutes

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Do you want to explore Antonio Vivaldi’s music? Vivaldi (1678 – 1741) is best known for his violin concertos. His music is celebrated for its infectious melodies combined with its impressive technical demands. Keep reading to learn about and listen to the top 10 best captivating Vivaldi masterpieces.

This article uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

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The Top 10 Best Vivaldi Masterpieces: Who Was Antonio Vivaldi?

Antonio Vivaldi was a priest who ran a conservatory for orphaned girls:

  • He had a talent for writing music that showcased his violin students’ strengths.
  • This teaching platform helped him develop his international reputation.
  • That in turn made him one of the most celebrated musicians of his day.

However, the tale of how his music was lost and rediscovered has a De Vinci Code-like quality to it:

  • When Vivaldi died in 1741, Count Giacomo Durazzo bought 27 volumes of Vivaldi’s sheet music.
  • Then, the count squirreled them away for safekeeping, where they vanished into obscurity.
  • There they waited until they were rediscovered in 1928.

 Now that you’ve had a quick introduction to the man, kick back your feet and listen to his music.

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The Top 10 Best Vivaldi Masterpieces: What Did His Music Sound Like?

For your listening enjoyment, I have included videos of the top 10 best Vivaldi masterpieces.

The Four Seasons – Spring

The Four Seasons is by far his most famous work. In it, Vivaldi introduced the idea of using music to describe a story. Of The Four Seasons concertos, Spring is his most popular.

Video: The Four Seasons – Spring Mvt. 1

The Four Seasons – Winter

Like in Spring, Winter features a virtuoso violin soloist. However, instead of the music depicting warmth and budding greenery, it paints the picture of frigid snow carried on icy winds.

Video: The Four Seasons – Winter Mvt. 1

Concerto for Two Trumpets in C Minor

This masterpiece highlights his command of polyphony through the interplay between the two trumpets.

Video: Concerto for Two Trumpets, Mvt 1

Gloria “Laudamus Te”

This motet is for choir, soloists, and harpsichord accompaniment. Much like the Concerto for Two Trumpets, Vivaldi’s Laudamus Te (from the motet Gloria) showcases his polyphonic writing in the give and take between the two female soloists.

Video: Gloria “Laudamus Te”

"La Notte" Flute Concerto in G minor

The flute here is not the transverse flute, which became popular in Mozart’s day, but rather a fipple flute (of which the recorder is the best-known).

Video: "La Notte” Flute Concerto, Mvt. 1

La Stravaganza Op. 4 No. 2

The music’s smooth, flowing melodic lines make it easy to listen to this piece, so that it sounds like it should be easy to play. However, it’s actually a technically demanding piece.

Video: La Stravaganza, Mvt. 1

Lute Concerto in D major

Back in the baroque period, the lute had the kind of popularity that the guitar does today. Likewise, it is somewhat similar to the guitar in both sound and function. Because the lute, like the classical guitar, is not very loud, it gives this concerto a quiet, intimate quality.

Video: Lute Concerto, Mvt. 2

"Siam Navi All'onde Algenti" from L'Olimpiade

Siam Navi All’onde Algenti employs a high male voice (here sung by a countertenor in place of the original castrato) which is typical of baroque opera.

Video: L'Olimpiade "Siam Navi All'onde Algenti"

Stabat Mater “Eja Mater, Fons Amoris”

Eja Mater, Fons Amoris from Vivaldi’s Stabat Mater demonstrates his ability to write emotionally moving music.

Video: Stabat Mater, Mvt. 7

L'Estro Armonico

This collection of twelve concertos for violin and harpsichord accompaniment shows Vivaldi’s innovative writing – in his day he was considered to be an avant-garde composer.

Video: L'Estro Armonico Op.3 No.8 Mvt. 3

Final Thoughts on “The Top 10 Best Captivating Vivaldi Masterpieces”

Takeaway points:

  1. Antonio Vivaldi is best known for his violin concertos.
  2. He had a talent for writing violin music that showcased his violin students’ strengths.
  3. Spring from The Four Seasons is his most Googled masterpiece.

Have fun listening!

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