Success Music Studio



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The archive contains posts about tuning instruments and vocals.



Instrument and Vocal Intonation

Are you frustrated that your guitar or synth chords sound out of tune? Do you want to sing in tune? Many of the following posts deal with how to retune guitars and synths so they sound better. Other posts deal with singing or playing in tune.


However, the tuning posts do not stop at the simple question of how to tune a guitar or a synth. They also look at the deeper questions of what does it mean to be in tune and how to tune better.


When musicians tune instruments, they bring the instruments’ notes into agreement with a cultural standard. The standard remains different for fixed pitch instruments, such as the piano, than for flexible pitch instruments, such as the voice.


In Western culture, equal temperament remains the standard for fixed pitch instruments. It allows the instrument to have a manageable number of notes. Also, all twelve scales remain usable.


However, the chords sound barely in tune. Therefore, many of the posts in the archive talk about how to tune instruments using Supplemented Equal Temperament (SET). SET is an enhanced version of equal temperament. Thus, chords sound better in SET than in equal temperament.


Flexible pitch instruments, such as the voice, violin, brass, and woodwind families, have the ability to adjust their pitch as they play. Consequently, many of the archive posts deal with vocal intonation. (Though any flexible pitch instrumentalist will benefit from the ear training.)


To help them achieve this, the singing posts have specially tuned sing-along songs that train vocalists to sing melodies and harmonies accurately.


© 2021 Geoffrey Keith


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Choosing The Right Sound To Play With Just Intonation

Have you ever tuned your synth to just intonation (JI), then selected a piano sound, and thought it sounded odd as you played scales? The reason many people think JI sounds strange with a piano patch is tied to how people hear melody. Read more to learn about choosing the right sound to play with just intonation. Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

Choosing The Right Sound To Play With Just Intonation Read More »

Singing Tongue Vowels - Male Singer

Singing Tongue Vowels

Do you have a hard time singing with a strong vocal tone? Do you want to be able to sing in tune? Controlling how you sing vowels will help you get a stronger tone and give you the tools to sing in tune. We’ll focus on tongue vowels today, because you’ll find tongue vowels easier to produce than lip vowels. Read more to learn about singing tongue vowels. Estimated reading time 5 minutes.

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Singing Shape Note Solfege Mixolydian Melodies

Do you want to sing blues, gospel, or even mediaeval melodies? Are you confused about how modes work? Modes have the exotic feel of world music and music from ancient times. “Singing Shape Note Solfege Mixolydian Melodies” helps you discover the sound of the modes. Estimated reading time 4 minutes.

Singing Shape Note Solfege Mixolydian Melodies Read More »

Singing Schwa Vowels - Female Singer Performing

Singing Schwa Vowels

Do you have a hard time singing words like “lung,” “ton,” and “done” with a strong tone? Many vocalists find neutral vowels tricky to sing with good resonance. The most common neutral vowel in English is the schwa, which you can find in words like “the,” “a,” and “up.” Good vowel production remains a critical skill for vocalists. Vowels help with singing in tune and good vocal tone and resonance. All of these things revolve around how you perform your vowels. Read more to learn about singing schwa vowels. Estimated reading time 7 minutes.

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Singing Shape Note Solfege Phrygian Melodies - Singers in Red Capes

Singing Shape Note Solfege Phrygian Melodies

Have you ever wanted to sing Mediterranean music or ancient melodies? Do you want to know how to perform modal music? Modes create the feel of exotic music from around the world and from ancient times. “Singing Shape Note Solfege Phrygian Melodies” will help you discover the world of modes. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

Singing Shape Note Solfege Phrygian Melodies Read More »

How to Use an Extremely Accurate Guitar Strobe Tuner to Make Your Guitar Sound Awesome - Guitarist Using a Tuner - What Common Mistakes Do People Make When Tuning Their Guitars - What’s the Difference Between Just Intonation and Equal Temperament - Why Does My Guitar Sound Off Tune

How to Use an Extremely Accurate Guitar Strobe Tuner

Does your guitar sound out of tune even when the tuner says you’re in tune? Do you have trouble tuning by ear or want to get a better guitar tone? Not all guitar tuners have been created equal. Read more to learn how to use an extremely accurate guitar strobe tuner to make your guitar sound awesome. Estimated reading time 9 minutes.

How to Use an Extremely Accurate Guitar Strobe Tuner Read More »