Success Music Studio

Sing-Along Songs


sing-along songs - people singing karaoke


Do you need an online tutor to help you sing in tune? The archive contains posts with sing-along songs.


Sing-Along Songs

Right now the posts in the archive focus more on sing-along singing example tracks than songs. However, many posts now contain full sing-along videos, especially in the Shape Notes and Solfege category.


The archive pulls from two main categories: Singing in Tune and Shape Notes and Solfege. The Singing in Tune category focuses on teaching how to sing, with a strong emphasis on how to harmonize in tune. I geared the posts toward singers. However, flexible pitch instrumentalists (such as violin, brass, and woodwinds) will find the posts helpful too. 


The Shape Notes and Solfege category focuses on sight singing and melodic tuning. The Singing in Tune and Shape Notes and Sight Singing categories both have sing-along songs. Moreover, they serve as sound models for well-tuned harmonies and melodies in each category respectively.


I have crafted all of the examples using a special tuning system. This system is not the tuning system, SET, described in the Intonation blog category.


Rather, the system used for the post examples reflects how singers and flexible pitch instrumentalists actually tune their instruments as they perform. In other words, the examples balance the tuning needs of the melody against the tuning needs of the harmony.


This remains an important point, because melody and harmony do not tune the same way. When tuning harmony, the musician needs to focus on the three main aspects of the chord’s tone color. However, when tuning melody, they need to focus on what Ron Gorow calls span.


Nevertheless, the sing-along songs provide good sound models for both harmonic and melodic intonation.


© 2021 Geoffrey Keith


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Singing Tongue Vowels - Male Singer

Singing Tongue Vowels

Do you have a hard time singing with a strong vocal tone? Do you want to be able to sing in tune? Controlling how you sing vowels will help you get a stronger tone and give you the tools to sing in tune. We’ll focus on tongue vowels today, because you’ll find tongue vowels easier to produce than lip vowels. Read more to learn about singing tongue vowels. Estimated reading time 5 minutes.

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Singing Shape Note Solfege Mixolydian Melodies

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Singing Schwa Vowels - Female Singer Performing

Singing Schwa Vowels

Do you have a hard time singing words like “lung,” “ton,” and “done” with a strong tone? Many vocalists find neutral vowels tricky to sing with good resonance. The most common neutral vowel in English is the schwa, which you can find in words like “the,” “a,” and “up.” Good vowel production remains a critical skill for vocalists. Vowels help with singing in tune and good vocal tone and resonance. All of these things revolve around how you perform your vowels. Read more to learn about singing schwa vowels. Estimated reading time 7 minutes.

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Singing Shape Note Solfege Phrygian Melodies - Singers in Red Capes

Singing Shape Note Solfege Phrygian Melodies

Have you ever wanted to sing Mediterranean music or ancient melodies? Do you want to know how to perform modal music? Modes create the feel of exotic music from around the world and from ancient times. “Singing Shape Note Solfege Phrygian Melodies” will help you discover the world of modes. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

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Singing in Tune with Vowels

Want to have better vocal tone? Want to sing in tune? Singing is all about the vowels. Vowels have a central role in singing, because the vowels impact your tone. Also, they impact how you tune when you harmonize. This happens when sound passes through the formants – the resonant folds in the vocal tract. The formants filter your voice’s harmonic overtones, which influences your harmonic intonation. Read more to learn about singing in tune with vowels. Estimated reading time 6 minutes.

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