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Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Choir - Singing Vocal Exercises - Choir Meaning & Examples with Videos, Pictures, & Soundtracks

Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats


Estimated reading time 3 minutes

Table of Contents


Have you gotten basic sight singing down, but want to expand beyond seven notes? Look no further. In this post you will sing both sharp and flat solfege syllables with an emphasis on the flats. Read more to understand singing shape note solfege flats.

Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Colorful Music

The Exercise for Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats

Mobile users: for best results reading the music, tilt your screen 90o to the right.

Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Flats Exercise line 1
Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Flats Exercise line 2
Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Flats Exercise line 3
Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Flats Exercise line 4

C Major Moveable Do Chromatic Shape Notes:

  1. As you sing the shape note solfege flats above, make sure to sing the solfege syllables above each line in the score.
  2. For a review of shape notes: Shape Note Sight Singing Success
  3. I have supplied sing-along song tracks to help you work on correct pitch.
  4. The song tracks use synthetic voices rather than actual voices. Research has shown that this will help with the ability to identify and produce absolute pitch information.
  5. For more information: Why Use a Synth Voice Instead of Real Voices
  6. Most of the basic solfege syllables transform into an “ay” sound by adding the flat sign (b) before the shape note in the score. The exception is Re which already has an “ay” sound. Instead, Re transforms into Rah:
    • Re turns into Rah
    • Me turns into May
    • Sol turns into Say
    • La turns into Lay
    • Ti turns into Tay
  7. We already sang Tay in the song You’re a Grand Old Flag. However, in that song we sang it as a natural rather than as a flat. The natural sign cancels out a sharp or flat, even if it appears in the key signature.
  8. The flats-exercise begins with Do on the note C. Since Do is moveable, the chromatic scale can begin on any note. Just use the same sequence of syllables starting from the new tonic.

Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats: Carolina in the Morning

Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Carolina in the Morning line 1
Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Carolina in the Morning line 2

Carolina in the Morning:

  • This example comes from the end of the chorus from Carolina in the Morning. In the example you will sing Lay from the shape note solfege flats excise. Here Lay appears as a flat in the score, not a natural.
  • Pay attention to the distance between melody notes, since this will develop your melodic tuning skills.
  • For fun, you can sing all of the chorus from Carolina in the Morning. The video provides the words.

Carolina in the Morning Video

Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats: Quiz

  • After you’ve gotten the sound of Carolina in the Morning in your ear and sung the shape note solfege flats exercise, you can take a stab at the sight singing quiz.
  • First sing the rhythmic syllables, then try the chromatic shape notes.
  • If you need a refresher on the rhythmic syllables read: Singing with Kodaly Rhythmic Syllables.
Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Quiz line 1
Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Quiz line 2

Concluding Thoughts for Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats

  • Having the ability to sing shape note solfege flats will broaden the range of melodies you can sight sing. Shape notes can help all singers to better read music, whether the student has autism, LD, ADD, special needs, or is a typical learner.
  • Shape notes create an easy way to reach reluctant readers. Therefore, singing teachers can add shape notes to their multisensory resource bag. In the next Shape Notes and Solfege category post we will look at singing in the minor mode.

© 2021 Geoffrey Keith

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