Success Music Studio

Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time - Heart and Flower on Sheet Music - What Do People Mean by the Term Interpretation in Classical Music

Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time


Estimated reading time 3 minutes

Table of Contents


Does 12-8 time signature make your eyes cross? Do you get confused about how rhythm syllables work in compound meters? The sing-along soundtrack below will help! Read more to learn about singing rhythm syllables in 12-8 time.

Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time - Choir

What are the Syllables Used for Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time?

Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time deals with compound meter. For a detailed discussion of how compound meter works, click here. Also see:

Watch the video below to hear how the rhythm syllables sound.


Rhythm Table

Singing Sixteenth Note Rhythmic Syllables- Rhythmic Syllables (Eighth Note) - Singing Rhythm Syllables in 9-8 Time
Singing Sixteenth Note Rhythmic Syllables - Rhythmic Syllables (Quarter Note) - Singing Rhythm Syllables in 9-8 Time
Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time - Rhythmic Syllables (Compound Meter Dotted Quater Notes)
Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time - Rhythmic Syllables (Compound Meter Dotted Half Notes)

Kodaly Rhythm Syllables Video

Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time: How Do You Make It Work?

Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time (line 1)
Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time (line 2)
Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time (line 3)
Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time (line 4)

Hail! Hail! The Gang’s All Here:

Just for fun, I’ve provided a video of Hail! Hail! The Gang’s All Here.

Video: Hail! Hail! The Gang’s All Here

Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time: Quiz

Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time - Quiz (line 1)
Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time - Quiz (line 2)

You can try the quiz after you’ve learned Hail! Hail! The Gang’s All Here.

  • First: sing with the solfege syllables (not shown).
  • Second: try singing with the 12-8 time rhythm syllables.
Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time - Friends with Hands United

Concluding Thoughts on Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time

Make sure you practice every day with the sing-along soundtrack in Singing Rhythm Syllables in 12-8 Time, and you’ll master 12-8 in no time.

Shape notes function as a multisensory aid for reading music notes. So, shape notes will help any vocalist sightread better. However, this is especially true for ASD, LD, ADD, and other special needs vocalists.

© 2022 Geoffrey Keith

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