Success Music Studio

Singing Rhythm - Woman Singing

Singing Rhythm


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents

Singing Rhythm #1: Music Essentials

Do you have a hard time singing rhythm? Would you like to be able to keep time? Music has many aspects, but none so fundamental as notes and rhythms. Without them, the music doesn’t go. However, many vocalists struggle with singing in time. In Singing Rhythm we’ll look at different ways to help train you to perform accurately.

This post uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the article.

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Singing Rhythm #2: Rhythmic Syllables

Basically, each note value has a rhythmic syllable associated with it. It’s an intuitive system that’s simple to learn.

For more information on how to sing with Kodaly syllables:

When singing rhythm syllables, vocalists create an intuitive connection to the notes in the score.

  • This allows the vocalist to execute the timing patterns with ease.
  • This in turn allows vocalists who have a hard time with traditional counting to aspire to music literacy.
  • And once it becomes easy, it also becomes fun.

Mobile users: for best results reading the examples, tilt your screen 90o to the right.

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Singing Rhythm #3: Counting

Kodaly syllables won’t be your only option.

  • Singing rhythm syllables will be a good option if you’ve struggled learning to count and clap music.
  • However, it won’t work well for dealing with complex rhythmic patterns.
  • This explains why the Kodaly syllables will often be used in elementary schools to introduce rhythm, but they eventually move on to counting.

For a basic introduction to counting:

Usually, you’ll clap the rhythm of a song before you try to sight sing it.

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Singing Rhythm #4: Feeling the Pulse

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The “fraction” on the left side of the score (see the example above) we call a time signature.

  • It’s sometimes also called a meter signature.
  • Why? Because it organizes the notes into equal numbers of beats in each measure.
  • Plus, it helps with figuring out which notes get stressed (sung louder) and which don’t.

To learn more about singing rhythm within the context of the time signatures:

However, if you can’t keep a steady pulse, you won’t be able to sing with the proper timing. For more information read:

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Singing Rhythm #5: Summary

Here’s some final thoughts on Singing Rhythm.

  1. If you want to be able to sing music accurately, you need to execute the timing correctly.
  2. It all starts with being able to keep a steady pulse.
  3. However, the Kodaly syllables will give you a good introduction to singing in time.
  4. But counting the beat will help you take your mastery of rhythm to the next level.
  5. Whether you work with the Kodaly syllables or the counting, using some sort of “measured” rhythm system will help train you to perform correctly.

Have fun singing!

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