Success Music Studio

Is it Possible to Learn to Sing Harmony by Ear - Man with Guitar at Mic Singing

Is it Possible to Learn to Sing Harmony by Ear?


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents


“Is it possible to learn to sing harmony by ear?” Yes, it takes some practice, but the sing-along soundtracks will help you do it. Read more to learn how it works.

This post uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the article.

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Learning to Sing Harmony by Ear: What to Listen For

“Is it possible to learn to sing harmony by ear?” When learning to harmonize by ear, you need to know the cues that’ll help you stay in tune.

When harmonizing, it’s critical that you listen for the buzz between harmonic intervals.

  1. Try singing along with the soundtrack below using the syllable Ah.
  2. Sing without vibrato.
  3. Also, sing from the gut to make sure you get enough breath.
  4. Pay close attention to the resonance between your voice and the organ’s chords.
  5. The specially tuned soundtrack’s synthetic vocal line will serve as a guide to singing the melody in tune with the accompaniment chords.
  6. Why do the song tracks use synthetic voices rather than actual voices? Research has shown that this will help with the ability to identify and produce absolute pitch information. For more information, click here.

As you sing, don’t forget to listen for beating and fusion between the harmonic intervals. These, along with the buzz, will help you hear when you’ve got your harmonies in tune.

For more detailed information on beats, buzz, and fusion:

Learning to Sing Harmony by Ear Soundtrack:

Vocal Tone and Learning to Sing Harmony by Ear

“Is it possible to learn to sing harmony by ear?” Staying in tune is important, but you can’t get in tune if your voice doesn’t sound good.

If you want to lock in your harmonies, you must pay attention to your vocal tone. Said another way, you need to learn how to produce good vowels to get a good vocal tone. These posts will help:

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Final Thoughts on, “Is it Possible to Learn to Sing Harmony by Ear?”

Here’s a summary of “Is it Possible to Learn to Sing Harmony by Ear?”

  1. You need to know the musical cues that help you tune up your harmonies.
  2. Working on your vocal tone will help you achieve a cappella level vocal intonation.
  3. Regular practice with the soundtrack will train your ear to hear harmonies in tune.

For more soundtracks, The Intonation Flight Simulator’s posts will give you plenty of sing-along tracks to practice with:

Have fun singing!

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