Success Music Studio

Color Coded Eighth Note Clapping - Clapping and Conducting - What’s a Good Alternative to a Metronome for Practice Sessions - I’m Having a Hard Time Keeping a Steady Beat - The 5 Best Effortlessly Easy Metronome Practice Tips

I’m Having a Hard Time Keeping a Steady Beat


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents

One of the Best Things You Can Do for Learning How to Keep a Steady Beat

“I’m having a hard time keeping a steady beat.” One of the best things you can do is get a teacher who can help you learn how to keep a steady beat. Also, I have specific strategies that you can use with or without a teacher. Keep reading to learn how it works.

Color Coded Eighth Note Clapping - Clapping Hands Cartoon - Color Code Rhythm - I’m Having a Hard Time Keeping a Steady Beat - Singing Rhythm - How to Color Code Music to Optimize the Steady Beat - The 5 Best Effortlessly Easy Metronome Practice Tips

Tips for Keeping a Steady Beat

“I’m having a hard time keeping a steady beat.” I’ve got some tips for you:

  1. Use your phone to create videos of your teacher playing your music so you can listen to it before you practice. (Or have the teacher make one and send it to you.) Listen to each track at least six times.
  2. Record yourself playing at home. That way you can hear how your video sounds different than your teacher’s video.
  3. I use a pointer to help students track the notes and to help them keep on the beat. Your teacher could do something similar.
  4. Keep at it! I have an adult student who had real problems with the steady beat, but he stuck with it and got results.

In addition, you can use a metronome to help you keep on beat. However, many musicians find them hard to use. Click here for an alternative:

Whats a Good Alternative to a Metronome for Practice Sessions - Metronome - I’m Having a Hard Time Keeping a Steady Beat - Singing Rhythm - BPM (Using the Metronome to Get the Music Beat) - - How to Learn Music Theory with a Learning Disability

I’m Having a Hard Time Keeping a Steady Beat: What Do I Do if I Don’t Have a teacher?

“I’m having a hard time keeping a steady beat.” When you play, you need to make your music sound like the song. This will be impossible if you can’t maintain a steady beat.

When you listen to a soundtrack, it’ll help you hear what the music should sound like, which’ll make it easier to play.

What do you do if you don’t have a teacher?

  • See if your music book comes with a CD or a downloadable mp3 (often an option with guitar and keyboard music books).
  • Search YouTube to find your song. Listen to (and play along with) the video. You can adjust the speed by clicking on the settings icon.

Have fun playing!

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