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I’m Confused About What Precisely D.S. al Coda Means - Rose and Sheet Music

I’m Confused About What Precisely D.S. al Coda Means


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

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“I’m confused about what precisely D.S. al Coda means.” This marking is part of a class of music notation called “signs of repetition.” Some of the more advanced signs of repetition can be confusing, including this one. Keep reading to find out how it works.

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I’m Confused About What Precisely D.S. al Coda Means: Let’s Define It

“I’m confused about what precisely D.S. al Coda means.” D.S. al Coda is used to help musicians move around the score and repeat sections of the sheet music:

  • D.S. is an abbreviation for “dal segno” (SANE-yoe), which means “to the sign” and al coda means “to the final section.”
  • A coda (COE-dah) is a section of the arrangement that concludes the piece of music. For example, in the song Hey Jude, it ends with the “Nah, Nah” section. This section’s purpose is to wind the song down.
  • These ending sections can vary in how complex they are. The one in this song is relatively simple, but Beethoven’s codas were long and complex (e.g., Symphony No. 8).

To see an example showing how D.C. al fine works:

Video: Hey Jude

I’m Confused About What Precisely D.S. al Coda Means: How Does It Work in Sheet Music?

Now let’s look at how you do it in a score.

The Symbols:

I’m Confused About What Precisely D.S. al Coda Means - Segno and Coda Symbols

How do you interpret D.S. al Coda?

“I’m confused about what precisely D.S. al Coda means.” Let’s look at the music example below:

  1. Start at bar 1 and play through bar 5.
  2. The words “D.S. al Coda” tells you to jump back to the weird, dollar-like sign in bar 2.
  3. Play until you reach the words “to coda” in bar 3. This tells you to jump to the symbol that looks like a hunter’s scope.
  4. Finish by playing to the end.

To help you, I’ve added some color coded arrows:

  • Follow the red arrow first
  • The blue line second
  • Then, the green line third
  • The orange line fourth
  • Finally, follow the purple line to the end

Mobile users: for best results reading the music, rotate your screen 90o to the right.

I’m Confused About What Precisely D.S. al Coda Means - Coda Example

Final Thoughts on “I’m Confused About What Precisely D.S. al Coda Means”

What’s the purpose of a D.S. al Coda in the score?

  • Originally, it was to save copying costs, because music was copied by hand and thus was very expensive.
  • Even today, it saves on the cost of paper and ink, saving you money.
  • In addition, it saves you effort, because you won’t need to do as many page turns.

Have fun playing!

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