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How Do I Switch from Chromatic Shaped Notes to Standard Notation – Part 3


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents


Do you want to learn how to transition from shape notes to standard notation? Have you ever wondered when you should use the special solfege syllables for sharp and flat notes?  Standard notation gives you clues on when to use the diatonic solfege syllables versus the chromatic syllables. Read more to learn the answer to the question, “How do I switch from chromatic shaped notes to standard notation?”

For a review of how shape notes and solfege work:

This post uses music terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the article.

Singing in Tune - choir - How Do I Switch from Chromatic Shaped Notes to Standard Notation - What Precisely Is the Purpose of Solfege

Chromatic Solfege Syllables and Switching from Shaped Notes to Standard Notation

“How do I switch from chromatic shaped notes to standard notation?” Basically, you figure out what sharps or flats will be part of the key.

  • Once, you’ve done that, any other sharps, flats, or naturals not in the key will need chromatic solfege syllables.
  • When figuring out the key, you’ll need the strategies that we discussed in part 1.

Use the key signature to figure out the solfege syllables for the key. These two sections of the part 1 post will show you how to do it:

Once you know what sharps or flats you have in the song’s key, any sharps or flats outside of the key will need special solfege syllables. These posts tell you what they are:

Carolina in the Morning and Switching from Chromatic Shaped Notes to Standard Notation

“How do I switch from chromatic shaped notes to standard notation?” I have provided an excerpt from the song Carolina in the Morning.

  • The example uses shape notes and has the solfege syllables below the staff.
  • I’ve included a soundtrack of the excerpt so you can hear what it sounds like.
  • Also, I’ve provided a video so you can hear the whole song.
  • Use the information at the above links to work out why those are the solfege syllables you’d need for this excerpt.
  • Once you can do that, you can try to figure out the solfege syllables for the quiz below.

Mobile users: for best results reading the music, tilt your screen 90o to the right.

Carolina in the Morning:

Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Carolina in the Morning line 1
Singing Shape Note Solfege Flats - Carolina in the Morning line 2

Video: Carolina in the Morning

How Do I Switch from Chromatic Shaped Notes to Standard Notation: Quiz

How Do I Switch from Chromatic Shaped Notes to Standard Notation - Quiz line 1
How Do I Switch from Chromatic Shaped Notes to Standard Notation - Quiz line 2

Summary for “How Do I Switch from Chromatic Shaped Notes to Standard Notation”

Here’s a summary of the steps for switching from chromatic shaped notes to standard notation:

  1. Figure out the song’s key.
  2. The first note of the key, the tonic, will always be the solfege syllable Do.
  3. From there you can work out the other solfege syllables by following the notes of the key.
  4. Once you know what sharps or flats you have in the key, any sharps or flats outside the key will need special solfege syllables.

Singers new of solfege can write the syllables in the sheet music. Having said that, always work toward memorizing the solfege syllables for each key.

Have fun singing!

© 2023 Geoffrey Keith

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