Success Music Studio

Explore Bach’s Hypnotic Choral Music in Less Than Four Minutes - Hamburg Church

Explore Bach’s Hypnotic Choral Music in Less Than Four Minutes


Estimated reading time 3 minutes

Table of Contents


Would you like to peruse Johann Sebastian Bach’s music but are short on time? Along with Mozart and Beethoven, J.S. Bach is one of the three composers that the person on the street will recognize by name. Bach’s music is celebrated for its intricate counterpoint and emotional intensity. Keep reading to explore Bach’s hypnotic choral music in less than four minutes.

How to use the videos:

  1. Listen to 10 seconds of each piece.
  2. Usually this will be enough for you to tell if you want to listen to more.
  3. That way you can vet all the pieces in under a minute.

This article uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

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Exploring Johann Sebastian Bach's Music: The Man Who Defined the Baroque Period

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750) is a huge figure in classical music:

  • He is so historically significant that music historians ended the Barquoe period on his death.
  • When they end an entire historical period on your death, you know you were important.
  • He was a prolific composer, and he wrote in every major musical genera of his day except for ballet and opera.

However, during his lifetime, he was known more as a virtuoso organist than as a composer:

  • After his death, his music fell into obscurity until Felix Mendelssohn (1809 – 1847) discovered his music.
  • Mendelssohn reintroduced Bach’s works to concert audiences by arranging and conducting Bach’s St. Matthew Passion.
  • Since that time, his music has been wildly popular.
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Exploring Johann Sebastian Bach's Music: Can I Have a Quick Guide to His Choral Music?

Here’s an overview of J.S. Bach’s choral music broken down by genre:


A chorale is the Lutheran church’s version of a protestant hymn. Bach arranged hundreds of chorale tunes for SATB choir.

Popular Works Today:

  • Chorale Jesu Meine Freude
  • Chorale Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude
  • Chorale Christus, Der Ist Mein Leben
Video: Chorale Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude


Bach’s motets are polyphonic works for a cappella choir. Though he didn’t write many of them, they’re generally well regarded.

Popular Works Today:

  • Motet Jesu Meine Freude
  • Motet Lobet Den Herrn
  • Motet Singet Dem Herrn Ein Neues Lied
Video: Motet Jesu, Meine Freude, Mvt. 1 - 3


Bach wrote almost two hundred sacred cantatas. Written for various events in the church calendar, he normally arranged them for choir, soloists, and orchestra.

Popular Works Today:

  • Cantata No. 140
  • Cantata No. 147
  • Cantata No. 169
Video: Cantata No. 169

Masses and Magnificats

Bach wrote five masses of which the best known is his Mass in B Minor. This pivotal work shows his command of choral and orchestral forces.

Likewise, his Magnificat in D Major is one of his most acclaimed works for choir and orchestra. It celebrates the Virgin Mary.

Popular Works Today:

  • Mass in B Minor
  • Mass in G Minor
  • Magnificat in D Major
Video: Mass in B minor – Kyrie Elesion

Passions and Oratorios

Bach’s large-scale passions tell the story of the death and resurrection of the Messiah, of which the St. Matthew Passion is the most popular.

His oratorios are essentially religious operas without staging or costumes. They’re similar to the cantatas, but without the above-mentioned staging.

Popular Works Today:

  • Matthew Passion
  • John Passion
  • Christmas Oratorio
Video: St. Matthew Passion – Corus 1 & 2

Final Thoughts on “Explore Bach’s Hypnotic Choral Music in Less Than Four Minutes”

Takeaway points:

  1. Johann Sebastian Bach’s music is one of the highpoints in Western music history.
  2. His music is celebrated for its intricate counterpoint and emotional intensity.
  3. Along with Mozart and Beethoven, J.S. Bach is one of the three composers that the person on the street will recognize by name.

Have fun listening!

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