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Explore Bach’s Epic Orchestral Music in Less Than Four Minutes - Pipe Organ

Explore Bach’s Epic Orchestral Music in Less Than Four Minutes


Estimated reading time 3 minutes

Table of Contents


Would you like to explore Johann Sebastian Bach’s instrumental music but don’t have a lot of time to spend doing it? Bach is one of the most celebrated composers in classical music. He’s best known for writing delightfully complex polyphonic music. Keep reading to explore Bach’s epic orchestral music in less than four minutes.

How to use the videos:

  1. Listen to 10 seconds of each piece.
  2. Usually this will be enough for you to tell if you want to listen to more.
  3. That way you can preview all the pieces in under a minute.

This article uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

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Exploring Johann Sebastian Bach's Music: A Musical Prodigy

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750) showed a rage to learn music at a young age:

  • His older brother, who Johann lived with, locked some special music in a cabinet so that Johann couldn’t get at it.
  • Nevertheless, late at night Johann would slip out of bed and creep down to where the music was kept so that he could copy it through the lattice of the cabinet.
  • Because of the dim light, this music study damaged his eyesight.

During his lifetime, Bach was known more as a virtuoso keyboard player than as a composer:

  • The seminal harpsichord collection The Well Tempered Clavier is a groundbreaking work which showcases Bach’s well-tempered tuning.
  • In addition, Bach’s organ compositions are a masterclass in Baroque counterpoint.
  • For this reason, we’ll also touch on his keyboard works.
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Exploring Johann Sebastian Bach's Music: Can I Have a Brief Synopsis of His Instrumental Music?

Here is Bach’s instrumental music organized by genre:


His concertos are one of the Baroque precursors to the classical symphony orchestra. The Brandenburg Concertos are his best-known works in this style. They display his mastery of the Baroque orchestra.

Popular Works Today:

  • Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor
  • Brandenburg Concertos
  • Concerto in D Minor
Video: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, Mvt. 1


Bach wrote a number of orchestral suits using mixed instrumentation. The suits consist of a collection of dance pieces in styles that were popular in his day. His suits are admired for their soulful ambience.

Popular Works Today:

  • Orchestral Suite No. 2
  • Orchestral Suite No. 3
  • Cello Suite No. 3
Video: Orchestral Suite No. 3 (Air on G String)


During his lifetime, Bach built his reputation from his organ virtuosity. The Toccata and Fugue in D Minor gives an example of why this was so.

Popular Works Today:

  • Organ Fugue in G Minor
  • Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
  • Organ Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor
Video: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor


One of his best known works for harpsichord is The Well-Tempered Clavier. A well temperament’s tuning (like equal temperament) allows for the use of all 24 keys, major and minor. Each piece of The Well-Tempered Clavier showcases one of the 24 keys.

(By contrast, meantone temperament, the other popular keyboard tuning in use at the time, only allowed composers to use a limited number of keys. However, those keys sounded much more in tune.)

Popular Works Today:

  • Harpsichord Concerto No.1 in D Minor
  • Fugue in D Minor for Harpsichord
  • The Well-Tempered Clavier (WTC)
Video: WTC Prelude and Fugue No. 2 in C Minor (Piano Version)


The solo violin sonatas are celebrated for their flashy brilliance.

Popular Works Today:

  • Violin Sonata No. 1
  • Violin Sonata No. 2
  • Violin Sonata No. 3
Video: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 1 in G Minor, Mvt. 4

Final Thoughts on “Explore Bach’s Epic Orchestral Music in Less Than Four Minutes”

Takeaway points:

  1. Johann Sebastian Bach was a musical prodigy who went on to have a major impact on music history.
  2. The Well-Tempered Clavier is a seminal work designed to showcase Bach’s well-tempered tuning.
  3. His concertos are one of the Baroque precursors to the classical symphony.

Have fun listening!

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