Success Music Studio

The Craft of Songwriting


The Craft of Songwriting - turntable and computer.jpg


The Craft of Songwriting Blog Category

Do you like writing songs, but get stuck when inspiration dries up? Do you enjoy the songs you’ve made, but feel they could be better? Songwriting is both a craft and an art. That’s why I named the category The Craft of Songwriting, so I can help you learn how to write well-crafted songs.


The art happens when ideas seem to come out of nowhere, sometimes coming together like magic. The craft comes in when you look at what you have written and ask yourself, “Hmm… can I make this better?” Then, you use songwriting strategies to sculpt and shape the raw ideas in your song.


Also, how do you defeat writer’s block? It can be a pain when inspiration ditches you. What do you do then?


Let me tell you a story.


My Story

Back in 1988, I got my worst case of writer’s block ever. Up to this point, when I wanted to write a song, I just did it. But suddenly, the ideas just would not flow. Dealing with my writer’s block forced me to also work on my craft and actually made my writing a lot stronger.


Fast forward a decade, I became involved with the Boston Songwriter’s Workshop (BSW). I started sharing my starter ideas and writer’s tips in articles for the BSW Newsletter. When I became the director of the BSW, I organized and taught special events as well.


Now I am going to share these starter ideas and writer’s tips with you too in the blog category The Craft of Songwriting.


Songwriting and More

The Craft of Songwriting blog category obviously focuses on writing lyrics and music. However, the Rock Star series of posts from the Intonation Blog Category has information on playing in alternate tunings that guitarists will find helpful. Singers should check out the Singing in Tune Blog Category.



Cornerstone Category Post:


Songwriting Posts:


Related Content





Singing in Tune:


The previous topic lists will be updated periodically. See the post grid below for the full list and full descriptions with featured images.


– Geoffrey Keith


© 2022 Geoffrey Keith


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