Success Music Studio

Singing in Tune


Singing in Tune - choir


Singing in Tune & More


The Blog Category Is Expanding:

I’ve expanded the blog category to include “General Singing Posts” in addition to the vocal intonation posts.


Tuning Up:

Are you frustrated with online sources that claim to help you with singing in tune?


Search online and you will find that most websites focus on tuning up using distance drills. In other words, they have the vocalists practice melodic intervals. OR they have the vocalists perform solfege (Do, Re, Mi, etc.).


However, none of this will help you harmonize in tune. I can help.


Based on over 30 years research, the blogs provide the information you need to hear how properly tuned chords should sound. This happens through the use of harmonic sound models.


Specifically, harmonic sound models use specially tuned guitars, synths, and online song tracks to demonstrate how properly tuned chords should sound. Click here for the Intonation Flight Simulator.


Hearing how the harmonies should sound is half the battle. Furthermore, this half of the battle contains information very few musicians know how to teach.


That is, hardly any musicians know how to express how they sing (or play) in tune, much less know how to convey the concepts to someone else. Until now.


Harmonic sound models are important. Nevertheless, both melodic and harmonic sound models are necessary for complete ear training.


Flexible pitch instrumentalists also benefit from the special ear training.


The Singing in Tune Posts

The cornerstone category article:


The cornerstone category article is longer, more technical, and has information on the science behind vocal intonation. 


Informational posts:


Posts that explore retuned guitars and keyboards to use as harmonic sound models:


For those people who are not comfortable retuning instruments, these posts have sing-along sound examples:


Vowels posts:


General Singing posts:


The previous topic lists will be updated periodically. See the post grid below for the full list and full descriptions with featured images.


– Geoffrey Keith


© 2021 Geoffrey Keith


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Singing in Tune with Vowels - Light Painting - songwriting templates - Need Advice for Teaching a First Year High School Jazz Pianist

Singing in Tune with Vowels

Want to have better vocal tone? Want to sing in tune? Singing is all about the vowels. Vowels have a central role in singing, because the vowels impact your tone. Also, they impact how you tune when you harmonize. This happens when sound passes through the formants – the resonant folds in the vocal tract. The formants filter your voice’s harmonic overtones, which influences your harmonic intonation. Read more to learn about singing in tune with vowels. Estimated reading time 6 minutes.

Singing in Tune with Vowels Read More »