Success Music Studio

All-Purpose Music Tips and Topics



All-Purpose Music Tips and Topics



Welcome to the All-Purpose Music Tips and Topics blog category page. For this category I’ve scoured social media to find the questions that people have been asking the most. It functions as a catch-all covering a wide range of music topics.


It might be a student practice tip one post, while it could be a music instructor teaching tip the next post. Or perhaps it will be a music theory or other general music topic.


Sometimes it’ll apply to typical leaners. Other times, it’ll be geared toward special needs students. However, the posts will usually be helpful for all students. In any case, these are the topics that you, the people, have been asking about.


Everything that doesn’t have a home in another blog category will land here. Thus, the “All-Purpose” part of the title. The “Tips and Topics” part hints at the practice tips, teaching tips, and other topics we’ll cover in this blog category. For example:


Practice and Playing Tips

Do you have a hard time playing with both hands? The All-Purpose Music Tips and Topics category has a post that deals with that.


Are you terrified of playing in front of an audience? I’ve got you covered.


Music Teacher Tips

Or does your student have small hands and needs to play pieces of music that have fast octaves and other wide stretches. It’ll be in The All-Purpose Music Tips and Topics category.


Do you have a student who plays by ear, but wants to learn how to read music? We’ll definitely deal with that.


Music Theory and Other Music Topics

Have you ever wondered why minor scales sound sad? I’ll discuss the theory and science behind why this happens.


Want to know what’s left to study after you’ve learned to sight read music? The All-Purpose Music Tips and Topics category will cover that too.


As you can see, we’ve got a lot of fun posts. I hope you’ll join me for the ride.


The Cornerstone Post:


The Posts:


The previous topic lists will be updated periodically. See the post grid below for the full list and full descriptions with featured images.


– Geoffrey Keith


© 2022 Geoffrey Keith


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Intonation and Supplemented Equal Temperament - Synth - On the Electric Keyboard Can You Play Dynamics - Why Do Just Intonation Keys Have Different Aural Characteristics

On the Electric Keyboard Can You Play Dynamics?

On the electric keyboard can you play dynamics? Well, that depends on the type of keyboard that you buy. In music, dynamics refers to the volume and intensity of sound, ranging from very soft (pp = pianissimo) to very loud (ff = fortissimo). Not all keyboards can play loud and soft through the keys though. Click to learn what you need to think about when buying an electronic keyboard. Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

On the Electric Keyboard Can You Play Dynamics? Read More »

How Can Legato Notes Be Played Staccato - Sheet Music - Why is it Important to Define the Dynamics to Sing a Piece of Music - Tips for Playing a Different Dynamic in Each Hand on Piano

How Can Legato Notes Be Played Staccato?

How can you make a note be long and short simultaneously? How can legato notes be played staccato? Mozart created a mixed staccato/legato notation to use in his piano pieces, and it still confuses musicians to this day. Click to answer the question, “How can legato notes be played staccato?” Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

How Can Legato Notes Be Played Staccato? Read More »

How to Graduate from the Color Coded Sheet Music - Part II - Girl Playing Flute - after they can sight-read what’s left for musicians to learn - What Does it Mean for Me to Interpret a Piece of Music - Music Therapy vs Music Lessons - BPM (Using the Metronome to Get the Music Beat) - What Does Intonation Mean and Why Is It Essential in Music

After They Can Sight-Read What’s Left for Musicians to Learn?

After they can sight-read what’s left for musicians to learn? Lots of thing spring to mind, such as: repertoire, memorized repertoire, interpretation, performance practice, improvisation, composition, music theory, and music history. Click to find out about what’s left for musicians to learn after they can sight-read. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

After They Can Sight-Read What’s Left for Musicians to Learn? Read More »

Why Do Pianists Occasionally Play Their Hands at Different Times as They Perform - Manhattan Park Pianist

Why Do Pianists Occasionally Play Their Hands at Different Times as They Perform

Are you confused by the squiggly lines in the score? Have you ever wondered, “Why do pianists occasionally play their hands at different times as they perform?” Answer: because it makes the music sound sophisticated and plays an important stylistic role in piano music. Click if you’d like to learn how it works. Estimated reading time 2 minutes.

Why Do Pianists Occasionally Play Their Hands at Different Times as They Perform Read More »

Do I Really Have to Learn Music Theory to Learn How to Play Piano - Understanding Prosody in Your Songwriting - piano

Do I Really Have to Learn Music Theory to Learn How to Play Piano?

Do you want to give up on learning music theory? Does it seem pointless to you? Music theory can help with sight reading skills on the piano. It’ll be useful for improvisation and composition. It even helps with performance practice. If you still have an open mind, read “Do I Really Have to Learn Music Theory to Learn How to Play Piano?” to understand the ways it can help you to better play the instrument. Estimated reading time 4 minutes.

Do I Really Have to Learn Music Theory to Learn How to Play Piano? Read More »

Why it's so hard for someone with a good ear to learn sheet music - music stand - How to Graduate from the Color Coded Music Notation - How Do Musicians Find Enough Time to Practice Their Instruments

Why It’s So Hard for Someone with a Good Ear to Learn Sheet Music

Do you want to learn how to read music, but just can’t? Are you a teacher that has students with good ears who struggle with reading? Having a good ear can be a two-edged sword. The student can pick up music quickly by ear. However, the same strength can create challenges for score reading. Read more to learn why it’s so hard for someone with a good ear to learn to read sheet music. Estimated reading time 3 minutes.

Why It’s So Hard for Someone with a Good Ear to Learn Sheet Music Read More »