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An Easy How to Guide for Singing Diphthongs in English – Singer with Mic

An Easy How to Guide for Singing Diphthongs in English


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents


Do you need help singing diphthongs? Do you need to know what the word diphthong even means? This term makes it sound as if you’re insulting someone, but it actually describes a very important class of vowel sounds. Keep reading An Easy How to Guide for Singing Diphthongs in English to learn what it is and how it works.

This article uses musical terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

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How to Sing Diphthongs in English #1: What Is a Diphthong?

What does the word diphthong mean?

  • It’s when two vowels are melded into one syllable.
  • For example, the ow spelling in brown is made up of two sounds ah and oo.
  • However, both sounds don’t get the same emphasis in vocal music.

This means that good vocal technique will be necessary when producing these combined sounds:

  • Ou = ah-oo (example: out)
  • I = ah-ee (example: bright)
  • Oi = oh-ee (example: coin)
  • Ow = oh-oo (example: snow)
  • Ay = eh-ee (example: gray)
  • U = ee-oo (example: fuse)
  • Air = ay-er (example: pair)
  • Ear = ee-er (example: fear)
  • Or = oh-er (example: bore)
harmonize with sing-along songs - Woman Singing with Chorus - An Easy How to Guide for Singing Diphthongs in English

How to Sing Diphthongs in English #2: How Do You Perform It?

What’s the secret of producing these combined sounds in music? You must sustain the first vowel for most of the note length:

  • Then, at the very end you’ll switch to the second vowel.
  • For instance, when singing eye, start with the ah, and when the note ends you close it out with ee.
  • Remember, when producing any vowel, you must have a high, relaxed soft pallet and sing from the diaphragm, if you want to have a strong tone.

In addition, R-controlled vowels sometimes function as diphthongs and sometimes they don’t. For more information:

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How to Sing Diphthongs in English #3: Diphthong Exercise

This exercise will help you master performing diphthongs:

  • The following two lines have four notes.
  • First, pick a diphthong and sing it on each note, holding the first vowel for most of the pitch and closing it out with the second vowel.
  • When you can do this well, try switching diphthongs at each note.

Mobile users: for best results reading the examples, rotate your screen 90o to the right.

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Singing 7th Chords in Tune - Alto and Organ 2 (line 2) - How to Sing R-Controlled Vowels in English

Synth Voice Track:

The soundtrack uses synthetic voices rather than actual voices. Research has shown that this will help with the ability to identify and produce absolute pitch information. For more information:

Final Thoughts

Takeaway points:

  1. What is the meaning of the word diphthong? It’s when two vowels meld into one syllable.
  2. The secret to performing them is to sustain the first vowel for most of the note length.
  3. Then, quickly close it out with the second vowel.

Have fun singing!

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© 2025 Geoffrey Keith


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