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Alliteration Meaning - Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs - student Typing

Alliteration Meaning: Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs


Estimated reading time 2 minutes

Table of Contents

Alliteration Meaning (Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs) #1: Meaning and Definition in English

Do you want to know the meaning of the word alliteration? In this post, we’ll discuss how it works, including examples of alliteration in poetry and songs. Keep reading Alliteration Meaning: Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs to learn more.

Discussion of Alliteration Meaning:

  • You alliterate when you have the same consonant sounds at the beginning of adjacent words or even words that are just near each other.
  • You use this literary device to make your lines more memorable.
  • Also, writers and songwriters use it to add a musical quality to their works.

In addition, alliteration makes the lines flow better, highlighting important words and concepts:

  • It helps you create compelling text that catches your audiences’ attention.
  • Also, it can help you establish the mood of a piece, whether it’s light or serious.
  • Therefore, you’ll find it’s a potent literary device that you can explore.

Keep reading to see examples from songs.

learn rhyme and reason in songwriting - note pad and pencil - Do I Need Talent to Write Music and Compose Lyrics - Alliteration Meaning - Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs

Alliteration Meaning (Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs) #2: Spicing Up Songs

Now that we talked about alliteration’s meaning, here are three examples from hit songs.

Song #1:

Please please Mister Postman (Wait a minute Mister Postman)

– Please Mr. Postman (The Marvelettes)

Full lyrics:

Video: Please Mr. Postman

Song #2:

Mary, did you know that your baby boy

Will one day walk on water       

-Mary, Did You Know? (Pentatonix)

Full lyrics:

Video: Mary, Did You Know?

Song #3:

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

-Let It Be (The Beatles)

Full lyrics:

Video: Let It Be

Read on for examples of alliteration in poetry.

Alliteration Meaning (Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs) #3: Potent Poetry

Alliteration in Poetry #1:

When I see birches bend to left and right

– Birches (Robert Frost)

Full poem:

Alliteration in Poetry #2:

Much Sense – the starkest Madness

-Much Madness is divinest Sense (Emily Dickinson)

Full poem:

Alliteration in Poetry #3:

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter;

But,” she said, “this butter’s bitter!

If I put it in my batter

It will make my batter bitter.

But a bit o’ better butter

Will make my batter better.”

Then she bought a bit o’ butter

Better than the bitter butter,

Made her bitter batter better.

So ’twas better Betty Botter

Bought a bit o’ better butter.

Betty Botter (Carolyn Wells)

Alliteration Meaning - Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs - Shakespeare Cartoon

Alliteration Meaning (Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs) #4: Final Thoughts

Here’s a summary of Alliteration Meaning: Examples of Alliteration in Poetry and Songs.

  1. When using alliteration, you’ll have repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of the words in your text.
  2. It emphasizes important words and concepts.
  3. You’ll find it in poetry, prose, and songs.

Have fun writing!

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