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Is There a Color Code for Music Notes - Why it's so hard for someone with a good ear to learn sheet music - colorful guitar music

Is There a Color Code for Music Notes?


Estimated reading time 3 minutes

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Do you have a hard time reading music? Have you ever wondered if color coding the music notes would help? Read more to find out the answer to the question, “Is there a color code for music notes?”

This article uses music terms. For definitions, see the Glossary at the end of the post.

Mobile users: for best results reading the music, tilt your screen 90o to the right.

Is There a Color Code for Music Notes - How to Color Code Musical Diagrams - High G Position

Is There a Color Code for Music Notes? Yes, But There’s a Catch!

Video: Figured Notes

Is there a color code for music notes? Yes, however color coding for the notes is not standardized. So, there are many, many color coding systems.

For example, you have the figured notes system (see the video above).

Or you can read about Margaret Hubicki’s system in this book:

And you have extensive color used in this little kids’ piano series:

Of course, you also have colored stickers that can be applied to instruments or even colored instruments themselves:

Finally, you have my teaching system that uses color coding to help students read the score:

While all these color systems color code either the sheet music or the instrument, none of them uses the same arrangement of colors for the notes. This means that if you want to, say, use the color coded stickers for guitar, they’d be colored different from how it’s shown on this site.

Therefore, if you wanted to use the teaching strategies from this website, you’d need to adjust the colors to work with the guitar stickers, or the piano stickers, or the Music for Little Mozarts books.

However, you couldn’t make them work for all three. The following video talks about how color coding can be an effective music teaching aid.

Video: How Effective is the Color Coding?

There Is a Color Code for Music Notes: Notation Software

There is a color code for music notes, and you can find music notation software that will color the notes for you.

The videos below give you a couple of examples of music notation software that will color the notes for you.

For a more detailed discussion of how this works (including more notation programs) read:

Video: Color Coding Notes with Sibelius

Video: Color Coding Notes with Musescore

Concluding Thoughts to “Is There a Color Code for Music Notes?”

There is a color code for music notes, and this multisensory strategy can help anyone to read the score better. However, it will be especially helpful for students with LD, ADD, ASD, and special needs.

The color coding acts as a bridge to reading an un-adapted score. With time, most students will be able to graduate from the colors:

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